How do I create a new calendar?

You must be logged into the frontend control of the website and have calendar priviledges to be able to add events to the calendar. You will know if you have access to adding events by going to the calendar of your website and seeing if each date in the month view has a + sign in it. If you do not, click here to find out how to get calendar access priviledges.

If you do have calendar admin priviledges, go to the bottom of the calendar and click on the calendar link.

You will see a box come up that has 4 named columns in it:


To create a new calendar, just fill in these empty fields you see in each column.

Once you are done, click the add button, all the way on the right hand side of the page (you may have to scroll to the right to see the button).

Now you will want to assign who can see the calendar. So click on the 'edit' button on the right hand side of the page for that particular calendar you just created.

Click on the members tab.

Click the add button (right next to 'access level' on the right hand side)

If you want everyone to be able to see it, type in 'everyone' in that popup box that opens where it asks you to search for someone. Now click the search button. 2 Names should popup: Everyone, and Guest Account. Click the add button next to both of them. You can now close that popup search window and you will see those names have been added to the members tab. Leave them set at 'view only.'

These new calendars will now show up in the calendar dropdown menu on the top of each calendar view.

You will need to contact us to create a new link to any new calendars you create.

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