How do I add a page onto my website?

A content page is a page with normal text and images in it. In this content management system, pages can also be called articles. Most pages on your church website are content pages. An example of a content page would be the beliefs page, staff page, or a specific ministries page such as “childrens ministries”. The only pages that are not content pages are the ones like Listen Online, Photo Gallery, Event Registration, Newsletter, File Downloads & Calendar. Those parts of your website would be controlled by following the help pages for that particular program.

To create a new page:

Login to the front of your website with the username and password you created for yourself when creating an account on the website.

Click on 'create/remove pages' in the user menu bar.

Here you will see a list of all the content pages on your website.

To create a new page, click the new article button located at the top right of this screen.

When you are adding content, PLEASE REMEMBER TO ALWAYS ALWAYS use the paste from external source button in the wysiwyg toolbar to paste ANY content into your website.

Once you are done adding content into the editor, you can look below and find the publishing section.

Here you can decide when the page is published, who can view the page, and what section/category it belongs in. You MUST choose a section/category for your page, even if you choose uncategorized. You only want to choose uncategorized if you don't want the page to be seen in the menu system.

Once done, click the save button, located at top right of the screen.

To edit a page:

To edit a page, you must be logged into the front of the website. Simply navigate to the actual page you want to edit and you will see an edit icon next to the title for you to click on.

To remove a page:

To DELETE a page, you must be logged into the front of the website. Click on the create/remove pages link in the user menu at top. Find your page and click the trash button next to it.
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