How do I use the sermon manager software?

Converting Sound Files to MP3

All mp3 files need to be under 25mb when uploading to the sermon manager. This is how to do so.

You will first need to download and install (when installing, do NOT allow the program to install any other programs) this free program called Switch and download the free version (not the plus version).

Once installed, run it.

Click on the 'add files' button at the top.

Choose your cdrom drive and double click on track01.cda. Your file will now be listed in the switch program under 'source file.'

In the 'output folder' field at the bottom of the switch program, choose a folder you would like to output the file to.

In the 'output format' dropdown menu, choose mp3.

Now click on 'encoder settings...' which is next to the 'output format' dropdown menu.

Keep it checked on constant bitrate. Choose 24 from the 'bitrate (kbps)' dropdown menu. Keep 'high quality encoding' checked.

At the bottom of this popup box, make sure the 'stereo encoding' dropdown menu is set to mono.

Click OK.

Now click the convert button at the top right of the program and you are done! The file should be anywhere between 6-11mb, which is perfect for a 35 minute or longer sermon that needs to be uploaded to the sermon manager program on the website.

Uploading File to Website

Login to the front of the website and click on 'submit sermon' in the user menu. Fill out the form and attach all your files. Then save/upload.

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