How do I add a newsletter to send out?

Setting up Your List/Category

Login to the BACKEND control panel at (where is YOUR actual church domain name ie.

You first need to create a newsletter category. For instance, “Men’s Newsletter” or “Women's Newsletter” etc. We will create one called “Men’s Newsletter” in this example.

Go to Components >Newsletters>Lists.
Click the new new.gif icon at the top right of the page.

You will see a whole form to fill out. You can ignore all other tabs but these 2: Description & Template

Description Tab

Set to Yes
Visible in frontend: Set to Yes
Type of list: Set to "newsletter"
List Name: Put your newsletter category name here (ie. Men’s newsletter)
List Description: A description of your newsletter.
Sender Name: Name of your church.
Sender Email: Email address you want to show up as this newsletter being sent from.
Sender Bounce Address: Email address you want newsletters to go back to that did not go to their destination properly.

Template Tab

Html Mailing:
Set to Yes
Layout: This is where you can put in an html template that will show up whenever you create a new newsletter for this list/category. This will make more sense after you play with this progam a little.

For now, just go into the html tab of the editor and remove all the html for this template. If you want a template made for you, I can make one for $75.00.

You are now done. Click save, at top right..

Creating the Newsletter
Now lets create our first newsletter that will go out to all those subscribed to the Men’s Newsletter list (or the list name you made yourself).

Go to Components >Newsletters>Newsletters in the backend control panel.

Select your list from the dropdown menu on the right of the page.

Now click the new icon at the top right of the page to make your newsletter that will be sent out to people subscribed to this “Men’s Newsletter” list (or the list you made yourself) .

You will see a whole form to fill out and a text box for you to put your newsletter text into. You can ignore all the tabs on the right.

Once you have entered in your newsletter text, you have a few options to choose from on the top right of the page:

Send: Sends the newsletter out to everyone subscribed to that newsletter group.
Preview: Opens up a page where you can just send the newsletter to a particular email address to see what it will look like.
Save: Saves the newsletter so you can come back to it again to work on. This does NOT send out the newsletter. ONLY saves it for later editing.
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