How do I add/modify/delete an announcement/newsflash?

Creating a new newsflash/announcement

Login to the front-end of the website. Click on the open user menu link at the top of the page and click on submit announcement.

Type in your text into the wysiwyg editor. 

When you are done writing the announcement, scroll down to the bottom of the page where you can set the start publishing date and finish publishing date to whatever you want. This is recommended to set so that the announcement will disapear from the site once that event is over.

Click save when you are done.

Modifying a newsflash

Login to the front-end of the website. Navigate to the newsflash you want to change and click the edit button next to the title.

Deleting a newsflash

To DELETE the newsflash or any other page on the site, login to the frontend and click on the create/remove pages link in the user menu at top. Find your newsflash and click the trash button next to it.

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