How do I add an event for people to signup for?

Login to the BACKEND control panel and go into the backend control panel at (where is YOUR actual church domain name ie

Go to Components >Event Registration.

If this is your first time using this program, you will want to add your categories and registration forms first. If this is not your first time and you have already set that up, you can skip below to the section on Add Event.

Add Categories

To add your categories, click on the event categories icon.
Click the New Icon located at top right of the screen.
Fill out the Name field (description field is optional) with that category you want to create (ie. Conferences, Retreats, Children, etc)

You can leave the rest of the fields alone. Click Save.

Add Locations

To add your locations, go to Components >Event Registration and click on the Locations Manager icon OR if you are in the event categories area still, click on the link Locations Manager at the top of the page.
Click the New Icon located at top right of the screen.

Fill out all fields with the name and address of the location you are having the event. You MUST have a location when creating an event, so this is important to fill out.

Click Save.

Add Registration Forms

Now you need to create a registration form that your event will use.

Go to Components >Event Registration and click on the Registration Forms icon OR if you are in the locations manager area still, click on the link Registration Forms at the top of the page.
Click the New Icon located at top right of the screen.

Fill out the fields:
Form Title (ie. VBS Signup, Winter Retreat, Contact Us)
Form ID (same as form title, except there can be NO spaces in this field)

Now on the right hand of the page, click on the grey button add more form fields.
This is where you will add all your form fields for the end user to fill out.

Fill out the fields (and ignore the ones not mentioned here):
Field Identification (ie. email, city, state. there can be NO spaces in this field so if you need spaces, use the _ character, such as email_address)
Field Title (actual label of the field. ie. Email, City. there CAN be spaces in this field)
Field Type (what you choose here determines what kind field this is. a text box is just a 1 line field for the user to fill in. this is good for most fields, such as email, city, state, age, phone number, etc).

On the right hand side of the page, set the Published? radio box to Yes

Now you can go back and keep adding all the fields you want for this event. Once you are done adding fields, click Save at the top right of screen.

Add Event

Go to Components >Event Registration and click on the Event Manager icon OR if you are in the event registration forms area still, click on the link Event Manager at the top of the page.

This is where your events will be listed that you want people to register for. So lets create an event to register for!
Click the New Icon located at top right of the screen.

Fill out the left side of the form with your event details. Starred * items are required.

The short description box will be what the end user sees on the front of the website when viewing all the events they can signup for.
The long description box is what will show up when the end user clicks on an event to register for.

You can ignore the terms and conditions box.

On the right hand side of the page, choose the respective location and category from the dropdown menus that this event goes in.

Right below the category dropdown menu, click on the Registration link (with the green arrow beside it). This will open up a box for you to fill out. Fill out all the fields with your data.

If you want to set ticket prices, continue on to the next box by clicking on Event Tickets link (with the green arrow beside it).

Fill out the fields for each ticket you want to sell and click the 'add' button. Keep doing this for each type of ticket you want to sell (ie. Children $5.00, Adult %10.00)

Click Save.

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