How do I assign a church staff member to be an administrator, publisher, or author?

To assign a staff membr to a certain user group, such as a publisher, where they can edit the site, you must go through the backend control panel. Login and click on the 'User Manager' icon  User Manager  thats right on the frontpage when you login. You will see a list of all people that have registered for an account on your church website.

Click the name of the staff member you want to assign to a different user group.
You will see 2 tabs. Additional info, and Contact info. Click on contact info. Their is now a selection box you will see on the page called Group. Click on the name of the group you want them to be a part of and highlight it. If you want to know what each one means, click here.
Click the save icon save.gif located at top right of the screen.
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